Omer Hadžiselimović lost his battle with a difficult disease. He was born in Sarajevo on January 1, 1946. He completed his PhD at the University of Sarajevo in 1978. He had numerous research visits to many universities and institutes across the world including Oxford University in England, Zagreb University in Croatia, Belgrade University in Serbia, JFK Institute in Berlin, Germany, […]
For Mak Dizdar Just as Tibetan nomads choose their headman by a throw of dice in which the one who loses the gamble wins, it’s fallen to me to continue to wait for the Bogumils after you. So that there is always someone who will go out to meet them in the language they understand. Every day I open the […]
On various continents, at airports, at stadiums, everywhere I meet people who more than twenty years ago, escaping war like I, settled far and wide around the world. I feel they are there around me, who they are and where from, but I don’t notice them right away since they are indistinguishable in the crowd. They are as ordinary as […]
I can hardly keep in mind anything from yesterday’s day, but the past I remember clearly. The early years are the first to sink into the dregs of a lifespan, just as the grime of the sun and red soil settles in olive oil. The rest has no taste. In October we were regularly late returning from school, stealing on […]
As part of UNESCO, education is seen as a part of culture; at the same time, the educational and socializing effects of culture are brought to the fore. Unlike with other international organizations, UNESCO prioritizes the foundational effects of culture and the cultural character of education. Through this engagement, UNESCO’s conceptions of economics and culture differ from other organizations. Three […]