
The End of War

The end of war does not mean peace. It is simply the end of war, the end of death and destruction. Every story of war includes a chapter that almost always goes untold—the story of the aftermath, which day by day becomes the prologue of the future. —Photographer Sara Terry   Online Exhibit, Dayton International Peace Museum “The Dayton Peace  []

Always a Cosmopolitan Crossroads

Bosnia-Hercegovina has always been coveted. Its first known settlers were Illyrians. We know them only from the ancient Greeks, who traded with them for gold, copper and tin, and from the Romans, who conquered them as part of their empire, starting before 100 BCE. The Roman Empire, too large to govern, was divided into Eastern and Western halves in 286  []

“As long as Sarajevo exists, this newspaper will publish every day!”

These were the stirring words of Kemal Kurspahić, the first editor of Oslobodjenje elected by his fellow journalists. Oslobodjenje (the word for “Liberation”) was founded in 1943 as Sarajevo’s anti-Fascist newspaper during World War II. And Mr. Kurspahić’s staff did exactly what he urged — never missing a day after May 14, 1992, when their security guards fled as the  []