
Letter to Anne

The British writer Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990) was a press attaché at the British Legation in Belgrade from 1949 to 1952. To Anne Ridler British Legation, Belgrade [1949] Dear Anne, A brief note from a troubled spot to wonder how you are and what you are writing—despite the patient motherhood 5 year plan. We have been traveling rather hard all this  []

Sarajevo (1951)

Bosnia. November. And the mountain roads Earthbound but matching perfectly these long And passionate self-communings counter-march, Balanced on scarps of trap, ramble or blunder Over traverses of cloud: and here they move, Mule-teams like insects harnessed by a bell Upon the leaf-edge of a winter sky, And down at last into this lap of stone Between four cataracts of rock:  []