Volume 08 No. 3 (2013): July

- Segregated Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Extravagant State Structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina The extravagant state structure inaugurated by the Dayton Agreement resulted in, among other things, a series of negative effects on the education sector. According to a recent study, “From the very beginning, the Constitution created a decentralized, asymmetric, and defective education management system that has undermined unity in educational policies, common educational goals,  []

- Hand

This hand says to you stop And contemplate your own hands.   Translated by Keith Doubt

- With Hand Raised

With hand raised to endless sky To great monuments around me I say All daily words entangled by the grave Which ensnare me in painful motion Pain magnifying on the way To the one Stop I say to the sun That scorches my scalp To the ground that holds me firm To the day that leaves again To the ancient  []

- JMBG: Because It Can get Worse

The most massive protests over the failure to adopt the Law on the Unique Master Citizen Number (JMBG) were held June 11, 2013, when thousands of citizens came onto the streets. As the most radical act carried out after the war, these protests were a blockage of the B&H institutions. The protests were characterized by the peaceful gathering of citizens  []

- Bosnia and Job

I went to a conference in Bosnia in July and talked with friends in Sarajevo about the social and political situation in the country. During the war, some eighteen years ago, people in Bosnia suffered war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Nationalist politicians leading the neighboring countries of Croatia and Serbia were directly responsible for these war crimes, crimes  []

- When The Vilić Brothers Married Off Their Sister

When the Vilić brothers married off their sister, They sacrificed three hundred sheep, Built three new mausoleums, Circumcised three hundred young boys, That their sister might cross the mountain alive and well. When their sister had crossed over the mountain alive and well, She crossed over the mountain, and went into the field, A freezing rain mixed with sleet struck  []