Mario Suško . "Baking Bread." Spirit of Bosnia Volume 01 No. 4 (2006): October --
Baking Bread
Beyond everything unreal
Nothing is the only verity
– finding a blind spot
of a mortar shell
lighting the pilot light
as the sniper’s eye blinks –
Crazed calculations
Courting involuntary muscles
– as if the body could absorb
the blow and make the brain
disown the pain when the entrails
rise ethereal like batter dough
and a salty crust begins to form
on the burning shivering lips –
The mind striving in vain
To reason with the stomach
– you peer through the oven
window and there’s nothing
except a hissing sound and
a fermented breathing essence
that for a moment makes you believe
there must be something beyond nothing –
But what’s that got to do
With snipers with snipers and mortar shells:
Nothing if you haven’t been there
© 2006 Mario Suško

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